Behind The Scenes: 1982 The Thing

John Carpenter’s The Thing was released in 1982. While it was a remake of an earlier film, this one stands out as a genre defining masterpiece for many people of my age group. The practical effects in this movie are often what people may bring up in a CGI vs practical effects argument as they are so well done and stand up to this day.

I also found this fun little featurette that has some alternate footage and interviews with the cast. To jump right to the practical effects, go to 8:16


There’s an in-depth article with a bunch of pictures over at cinephelia on this movie, you should go check out that whole story for sure. Here’s my fav pic from that set

Rob Bottin posing with two face

I’ve been casually collecting images from around the web of behind-the-scenes stuff for this movie for a while. I couldn’t always find credits, so hopefully no one gets too upset at me for hosting their image.



Of course, if you’re a fan I have to suggest that you get the art book. It isn’t art from the movie, but rather a “celebration of” the movie. It looks fantastic.

Author: Caleb kraft