Turbo Killer and The Power Of Toy Cars

Carpenter Brut does a pretty good job of painting a picture with his music. However, the combination of Carpenter Brut and Seth Ickerman creates a visual feast that leaves you full, even when re-watching.

The Seth Ickerman studio put toegher such a solid vision of this music video. It all gells together so fluidly and perfectly to be a delightful exaggeration of so many tropes, all smashed together into it’s own distinct thing.

I don’t really know the story that they’re telling. Maybe it is out there somewhere, I haven’t researched it. However, the visual story telling is rock solid and combines practical effects and CGI in such wonderful ways.


Pay close attention to the cars. You’re seeing shots that are sometimes miniatures, and sometimes full CGI. The mix works so well and frankly it looks like they had a really fun time filming it.

Brut and Ickerman have something exciting coming soon. Blood Machines looks like it will be absolutely PACKED with cool props and sets that seem to be practical effects. I’ve reached out to try to get some behind-the-scenes photos when available.

Author: Caleb kraft